After lunch two days ago, Harper pulled the stool toward her, and couldn't stop it from falling. I saw the whole thing from the edge of the room. It was that moment where I lunge, I try to catch it, but I'm too stinking far away to be of any good. The seat of the stool landed on her face. She cried. I felt/feel horrible.
We have made adjustments to the placement of said stool.
She doesn't yet know how to flex her biceps, but imagine if she did. Wouldn't she be a sight? Dresses and muscles. Word.
The cats are glad we're home. They are never more than a few feet away (closer to the truth, they are sometimes literally underfoot.)
Day three of black eye. It's going through the rainbow. First purple. The edge is now green/yellow, and the bride of her nose is in the purple/black stage.
Roar! Wearing her new dino shirt like a Boss. |
There are always smiles close by when we bust out the sunglasses. |
Harper is soooo coooool. |
Yeah. |
this kid is gansta - rock it Harper!